Genus Mikasapteris H. Nishida, Stockey, Takebe, J. Legrand, T. Yamada Int. J. Pl. Sci., 183(7): 000 [3] 578. 25 Jul 2022
- Name
- Mikasapteris
- Rank
- Genus
- Authors (Pub.)
- Nishida H.
Stockey R. A.
Takebe Y.
Legrand J.
Yamada T.
- Publication
- Mikasapteris rothwellii gen. et sp. nov., a permineralized fertile pinnule of a probable stem polypod from the Late Cretaceous of Hokkaido, Japan [2022/7]
- Journal
- International Journal of Plant Sciences
- Volume
- 183
- Issue
- 7
- Page number
- 000 [3] 578
- Year
- 2022
- Parent Taxon
- [Class] Pteridopsida
- Fossil Status
- foliage (fertile)
- Type
- Mikasapteris rothwellii
- Diagnosis
- Leptosporangiate fern fertile pinnule, deeply pinnatisect; one terminal and at least three alternate pairs of lateral segments along midrib. Segments semicircular, base wide; margins slightly recurved abaxially; abaxial surface heavily pubescent, bearing three to six indusiate sori; segment venation
pinnate, with simple or once-bifurcate lateral veins. Sporangial receptacle massive, raised, reniform, formed at end of single lateral vein or tip of very short anadromic vein of forked laterals. Indusium reniform, flat dome shaped, attached to receptacle only at base, covering multiple sporangia. Sori, sporangia, and spores mature simultaneously. Sporangium ca. 0.3 mm in diameter, containing ca. 64 spores. Annulus slightly oblique; incomplete;
composed of thickened cells. Sporangial stalk multicellular, two celled at base. Spores tetrahedral, laesurae straight; exine smooth.
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