At: Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, 23 By: Endô R.
journalAt: Science Reports of the Saitama University, Series, B, biology and earth sciences, 1, 2 By: Endô R.
journalAt: Science Reports of the Saitama University, Series, B, biology and earth sciences, 1, 3 By: Endô R., Kanuma M.
journalAt: Science Reports of the Saitama University, Series, B, biology and earth sciences, 1, 3 By: Endô R.
journalAt: Science Reports of the Saitama University, Series, B, biology and earth sciences, 2, 2 By: Endô R.
journalAt: Science Reports of the Saitama University, Series, B, biology and earth sciences, 2, 3 By: Endô R.
journalAt: Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, 28, 4 By: Endô R., Horiguchi M.
journalAt: Science Reports of the Saitama University, Series, B, biology and earth sciences, 3, 2 By: Endô R.
journalAt: Science Reports of the Saitama University, Series, B, biology and earth sciences, 3, 3 By: Endô R.
journalAt: Mededeelingen van het Geologisch Bureau voor het Mijngebied te Heerlen, 6[a] By: Jongmans W. J.