At: PaleoBios, 16, 3 By: Schorn H. E., Gooch N. L.
journalAt: Feddes Repertorium, 89, 7-8 By: Ferguson D. K., Jähnichen H., Alvin K. L.
journalAt: Science, 3, 68 By: Knowlton F. H.
journalAt: Publications of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 34, 1 By: Wieland G. R.
journalAt: Publications of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 34, 2 By: Wieland G. R.
journalAt: Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 34, 3 By: Britton E. G., Hollick A.
bookAt: Amer. Geol., Albany, Sprague & Co., 1, 1 By: Emmons E.
bookAt: Amer. Geol., Albany, Sprague & Co., 2 By: Emmons E.
bookAt: Amer. Geol., Albany, Sprague & Co., 6 By: Emmons E.
journalAt: Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 45, 4 By: Cookson I. C., Balme B. E.