Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 12196

A Potamogeton from the Upper Cretaceous

At: American Journal of Science, Series 5, 1, 5 By: Berry E. W.

A preliminary checklist of fossil names in extant genera of the Proteaceae

At: Telopea, 20 By: Olde P. M.

A preliminary contribution to the floras of the Whitemud and Ravenscrag formations

At: Memoir / Geological Survey, Canada, 182 By: Berry E. W.

A preliminary paper on the cuticular structure of certain dicotyledonous and coniferous leaves from the Middle Eocene flora of Bournemouth

At: Journal of the Linnean Society, Series, Botany, 46, 308 By: Bandulska H.

A preliminary report on the anatomy and affinities of Medullosa Noei sp. nov. from the Pennsylvanian of Illinois

At: American Journal of Botany, 24, 3 By: Steidtmann W. E.

A preliminary report on the taxonomy and distribution of an extinct conifer, Doliostrobus Marion

At: Časopis Národního Musea, Oddíl, Oddíl přírodovědný, 137, 1-2 By: Bůžek Č., Holý F., Kvaček Z.

A preliminary study of the fossil flora of the Michigan Coal Basin

At: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 4, 11 By: Arnold C. A.

A preliminary survey of fossil leaves and well-preserved reproductive structures from the Sentinel Butte Formation (Paleocene) near Almont, North Dakota

At: Fieldiana, Geology, New Series, 20 By: Crane P. R., Manchester S. R., Dilcher D. L.

A primitive mid-cretaceous angiosperm flower, Antiquifloris latifibris gen. & sp. nov., in Myanmar amber

At: Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 10, 1 By: Poinar G. O., Buckley R., Chen H.-R.

A probable Pre-Glossopteris micro-floral assemblage from Lower Karoo sediments

At: South African Journal of Science, 59, 5 By: Hart G. F.

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