Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2025


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(2889) Proposal to conserve the name Podozamites against Preissleria (fossil Pinophyta: Podozamitales)

At: Taxon, 71, 2 By: Doweld A. B.

(2914) Proposal to conserve the name Klukia Racib. (fossil Schizaeaceae) against Klukia Andrz. ex Besser (Cruciferae)

At: Taxon, 71, 4 By: German D. A.

(2915) Proposal to conserve the name Ficoxylon against Ungerites (fossil Moraceae, Magnoliopsida)

At: Taxon, 71, 4 By: Doweld A. B.

(2929–2931) Proposals to conserve the names Dipterocarpoxylon with a conserved type against Hippocrateoxylon, Dryobalanoxylon against Naucleoxylon, and Shoreoxylon against Bredaea and Grewioxylon (fossil Dipterocarpaceae, Magnoliophyta)

At: Taxon, 71, 6 By: Doweld A. B.

(3005) Proposal to conserve the name Botryopteris Renault (fossil Pteridophyta) against Botryopteris C. Presl (Ophioglossaceae)

At: Taxon, 72, 6 By: Zhou W.-M., He X.-Y., Wang S.-J., Pšenička J., Rössler R., Rothwell G. W., Galtier J., Hilton J., Wang J.

(353) Proposal to conserve the generic name Haplostigma Seward, Quart. J. geol. Soc. London 86 (2): 365 (1932) (Fossil Psilophytales) vs. Haplostigma F. Mueller, Fragm. 8: 100 (1873)

At: Taxon, 22, 2-3 By: Paclt J.

(354) Proposal to conserve the generic name Cyclostigma Haughton, J. r. Dublin Soc. 2: 12 (1859) (Fossil Cyclostigmatales: Cyclostigmataceae) vs. Cyclostigma Grisebach, Gen. Spec. Gentian., 259 (1839); vs. Cyclostigma Hochstetter ex Endlicher, Gen. Suppl. 2: 56 (1842); vs. Cyclostigma Klotzsch in Seemann, Bot. Voy. Herald, 104 (1853); vs. Cyclostigma Philippi, Sert. Mendoc. Alt., 39 (1871)

At: Taxon, 22, 2-3 By: Paclt J.

(355) Proposal to conserve the generic name Cladotheca Halle, Ark. Bot. 10 (15): 4 (1911) (Fossil Osmundales) vs. Cladotheca Steudel, Synopsis Plant. Cyper., 178 (1855)

At: Taxon, 22, 2-3 By: Paclt J.

(356) Proposal to conserve the generic name Klukia Raciborski, Bot. Jb. 13: 5 (1891) [Preprint: "gedruckt im April 1890"] (Fossil Polypodiales: Klukiaceae) vs. Klukia Andrzejowski ex De Candolle, Syst. 2: 459 (1821)

At: Taxon, 22, 2-3 By: Paclt J.

(357) Proposal to conserve the generic name Hymenotheca H. Potonié, Jb. k. preuss. geol. Landesanst. (1889): 22 (1892) (Fossil Polypodiales) vs. Hymenotheca Salisbury, Trans. hortic. Soc. 1: 268 (1812); vs. Hymenotheca F. Mueller, Fragm. 1: 201 (1859)

At: Taxon, 22, 2-3 By: Paclt J.

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