Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2025


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Total: 12340

Bractee fosile de Carpinus de la Chiuzbaia (reg. Maramureș)

At: Studii şi cercetări de geologie, 8, 3 By: Givulescu R.

Bracteophyton variatum gen. et sp. nov., an Early Devonian plant from the Xujiachong Formation of Yunnan, China

At: International Journal of Plant Sciences, 165, 2 By: Wang D.-M., Hao S.-G.

Branching in Psilophyton: a new species from the Lower Devonian of New Brunswick, Canada

At: American Journal of Botany, 72, 8 By: Trant C. A., Gensel P. G.

Brasilestiloxylon e Solenobrasilioxylon, dois novos gêneros gondwânicos na formação Irati, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

At: Boletim / Instituto Geociências, Universidade de São Paulo, 9 By: Mussa D.

Brasiliporella, a new mid-Cretaceous dasycladacean genus: the earliest record of the tribe Batophoreae

At: Facies, 2013, 59, 1 By: Granier B., Dias-Brito D., Bucur I. I., Tibana P.

Brazenievaja flora iz burogo uglja nizhnebrinevskogo podgorizonta neogena Belarusi

At: Doklady Akademii nauk Belarusi, 41, 3 By: Jakubovskaja T. V.

Bread-fruit trees in North America

At: Science, 21, 519 By: Knowlton F. H.

Breve rivista dei frutti fossili di noce fino ad ora conosciuti e descrizione di alcune nuove specie

At: Nuovi annali delle scienze naturali e rendiconto delle sessioni della Società Agraria e dell’ Accademia delle Scienze dell’ Istituto di Bologna, Series 3 [1852], Novembre e Dicembre By: Massalongo A.

Brevitrimaris arcuatus gen. & sp. nov., a monocotyledonous fossil flower from mid-Tertiary amber deposits in the Dominican Republic

At: Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 10, 1 By: Chambers K. L., Poinar G. O.

Brief descriptions of fossil plants, chiefly Tertiary, from western North America

At: Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 1882, 5 By: Newberry J. S.

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