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Total: 12329

Dipterocarpoxylon tertiarum sp. nov., a new fossil wood from the Tertiary of Burma

At: Current Science, 34, 8 By: Prakash U.

Dirhopalostachyaceae - a new family of proangiosperms and its bearing on the problem of angiosperm ancestry

At: Palaeontographica, Abtheilung, B, Paläophytologie, 153, 1-3 By: Krassilov V. A.

Discoasteridae, Coccolithinae and Radiolaria

At: Leidse Geologische Mededeelingen, 5, 1 By: Tan S. H.

Discoastéridos y Braarudosféridos del Eoceno Inferior de la Formación Universidad (Eoceno Inferior) de Cuba

At: Ministerio de Minería, Combustibles y Metalurgia Publicación Especial, 6 By: Furrazola-Bermúdez G., Kreisel K.

Discovery of a cone, probably of a species of Lepidostrobus, in the sandstones of Campania

At: Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1884 By: Johnston R. M.

Discovery of cyanophycean algal remains and chitinozoans from the Late Precambrian Argillaceous sequence of Satpuli, Garhwal, Himalaya India

At: Current Science, 47, 7 By: Nautiyal A. C.

Discovery of Lepidostrobus Brongniart from Lower Gondwana Formation of Kashmir

At: Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, 12 By: Srivastava J. P., Kapoor H. M.

Discovery of Liriodendron leaves from the Neogene of Japan

At: Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, 10, 9 By: Endô S.

Discovery of Miocene wood from Manchar Formation, Lagerstroemioxylon thanobolensis sp. nov. of family Lythraceae, Thanobola Khan District Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan

At: Sindh University Research Journal, Series, Science, 49, 3 By: Soomro N., Jillani N. S., Quereshi S. T., Mangi J. U., Arain B. A., Rajput M. T. M.

Discovery of Nelumbo from the Asuwa flora (Upper Cretaceous) in Fukui Prefecture in the inner side of Central Japan

At: Transactions and proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, New Series, 14 By: Matsuo H.

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