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Dysoxylum miocostulatum sp. nov. – a fossil leaflet of Meliaceae from the Lower Siwalik sediments of West Kameng district, Arunachal Pradesh, Eastern India

At: Indian Journal of Geology, 2007, 79, 1–4 By: Khan A. M., Bera S.

Dzungaropteris – novoe rodovoe zameniayushchee nazvanie dlia kamennougol'nykh rastenij

At: Byulleten’ Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody, Otdel, Otdel geologicheskii, 76, 4 By: Doweld A. B.

Earliest rooting system and root : shoot ratio from a new Zosterophyllum plant

At: New Phytologist, 185, 1 By: Hao S.-G., Xue J.-Z., Guo D., Wang D.-M.

Earliest Triassic (Induan) megaspores from Russia: taxonomy and stratigraphy

At: Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 85, 1 By: Karasev E. V., Turnau E.

Early and Middle Devonian Charophytes of Eastern Guangxi, China

At: University of Louisville studies in paleontology and stratigraphy, 13 By: Wang Z., Conkin J. E., Huang R.-J., Lu H.-N.

Early angiosperm reproduction: Prisca reynoldsii gen. et sp. nov. from Mid-Cretaceous coastal deposits in Kansas, USA

At: Palaeontographica, Abtheilung, B, Paläophytologie, 179, 5-6 By: Retallack G., Dilcher D. L.

Early angiosperms from the Lower Cretaceous of Jixi, eastern Heilongjiang, China

At: Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 121, 2 By: Sun G., Dilcher D. L.

Early Cretaceous (Early to Middle Albian) platanoid inflorescences associated with Sapindopsis leaves from the Potomac Group of Eastern North America

At: Systematic Botany, 18, 2 By: Crane P. R., Pedersen K. R., Friis E. M., Drinnan A. N.

Early Cretaceous angiosperms of the Soviet Union based on leaf and fruit remains

At: Journal of the Linnean Society, Series, Botany, 61, 384 By: Samylina V. A.

Early Cretaceous flora of Hungary and its palaeoecological significance

At: Acta Palaeobotanica, 42, 1 By: Barale G., Barbacka M., Philippe M.

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