At: Journal of the Faculty of Science of the Hokkaido University, Series, 4, Geology and mineralogy, 19, 1-2 By: Tanai T.
journalAt: American Journal of Botany, 80, 6 By: Crepet W. L., Nixon K. C.
bookAt: Late Cret. Grünbach Fl. Austria, Vienna, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, 2010 By: Herman A. B., Kvaček J.
journalAt: Cretaceous Research, 2016, 59 By: Herman A. B., Sokolova A. B.
journalAt: Australian Systematic Botany, 8, 6 By: Pole M. S.
journalAt: International Journal of Plant Sciences, 183, 4 By: Breña-Ochoa A., Cevallos-Ferriz S. R. S.
journalAt: Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, 28, 1 By: Dutta D., Ambwani K., Estrada-Ruiz E.
journalAt: Cretaceous Research, 23, 6 By: Gomez B., Thévenard F., Fantin M., Giusberti L.
journalAt: IAWA Journal, 21, 1 By: Wheeler E. A., Lehman T. M.
journalAt: Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Series, Earth Sciences, 37, 1-2 By: Birkenmajer K., Zastawniak E.