Originally intended to be published as a new combination based inadmissibly on the illegitimate later homonym, Rhus quercifolia H. R. Göppert, Die tertiäre Flora von Schossnitz in Schlesien pp.[37]. 1855 (non Rhus quercifolia (Michx.) Steud., Nomencl. Bot.: 689. 1821). Kotlaba validated the species epithet as Monopleurophyllum quercifolium F. Kotlaba, Tertiary plants from three new localities in Southern Slovakia pp.[63]. 1963, and since Kovar-Eder cited this species name in the synonymy of her 'new combination', the authorship of a new species was corrected. Hovewer, Acer quercifolium ( F. Kotlaba) J. Kovar-Eder is remained a later homonym (illegitimate name).
non Acer quercifolium ( A. Hollick) T. N. Baikovskaja in I. N. Sveshnikova, L. Yu. Budantsev, Iskopaemye flory Arktiki pp.[94]. 1969.