Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2025

IDNAME species

Bryokhutuliinia crassimarginata

Bryokhutuliinia crassimarginata Ignatov, Karasev, Sinitsa, E. Maslova Arctoa, 22: 70. 20 Dec 2013
Bryokhutuliinia crassimarginata
Generic Name
[Genus] Bryokhutuliinia
Authors (Pub.)
Ignatov M. S. Karasev E. V. Sinitsa S. M. Maslova E. V.  
New Bryokhutuliinia species (Bryophyta) with sporophytes from the Upper Jurassic of Transbaikalia [2013/12]
Page number
Fossil Status
leafy twigs
Upper Jurassic
Strat. comment
Ukurey Formation
right bank of the river Olov, 1.2 km downstream of the Bagulnaya, Olov Depression, eastern Transbaikalian Territory, Russian Federation [52°27’N –116°43’E]
Eurasia (Siberia)
Data for Holotypus
Palaeontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
Repository Number
PIN 5424/7
Plants in loose wefts. Stem creeping or floating, >15 mm long, 0.15-0.70 mm wide, cells in lateral view rectangular, 50×15 μm; leaves complanate and clearly distichous, loosely to densely inserted along the stem; shoots irregularly pinnately branched, branches deviating from stem at (25°-)50-75°(-100°), straight, clearly to often poorly differentiated from stem in width and foliage, or with leaves more densely arranged, complanate, with a more acute angle with branch axis compared to associated stem leaves; proximal branch leaves much smaller and more crowded or only slightly differentiated, branch bases without foliose structures. Stem leaves loosely to densely arranged, distance between them between 300 μm and 2 mm, deviated from stem at broad angle with the stem (55-80°), above patent to gradually reflexed and sometimes abruptly reflexed, up to 150°(180°) with stem or sometimes reflexed from their bases, mostly 3.0-4.0×1.0-1.3 mm, but some leaves larger, to 6.0 mm long, 2.1 mm wide, ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate, gradually tapered distally to obtuse apex, rounded towards cordate or clasping base, plane or concave in basal part; margin entire, bordered throughout, border dark, 150-200 μm wide near leaf base, 60-100 μm wide above, formed by darker cells only slightly differentiated from lamina cells in length and width. Cells irregularly rectangular, 60-100×11-20 μm, 4-6(-7):1, shorter and broader in wider leaves, to 3-4:1, broader towards leaf base (up to 1.5-3:1, and to 25-30 μm wide). Proximal branch leaves smaller, from 0.5×0.15 mm to 3.3×1.0-1.2 mm and further so to stem leaf size, relatively narrower and less reflexed, otherwise similar to stem leaves. In some cases proximal part of branches more or less leafless, likely due to decomposition of thiner smaller leaves. Sporophytes terminal on short lateral branches, regularly situated in some distance to a few leaves (1-1.5 mm), alternating on both sides of stem. Sporophyte-bearing branches 0.7-1.0 mm long, with strongly reduced leaves, narrower than proximal branch leaves; upper perichaetial leaves surrounding the capsule 0.6 mm long, narrowly lanceolate, stiff. Capsule sessile, erect; young capsules narrowly ellipsoid, mature capsule cup-like to shortly cylindric, urn 0.7 mm long and 0.7 mm wide at mouth, not constricted below mouth. Operculum conic and shorlty rostrate, 0.5 mm long.

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