Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 66474

species valid

Litsea sagittata (O.M. Ball) R.S. LaMotte Mem. Geol. Soc. Amer., 51: 206. 20 Jun 1952

species valid

Malapoenna sagittata O.M. Ball Bull. Agric. Mech. Coll. Texas, Series 4, 10(3): 24. 1 May 1939

species valid

Cinnamomum precamphora O.M. Ball Bull. Agric. Mech. Coll. Texas, Series 4, 10(3): 23. 1 May 1939

species valid

Cinnamomum maculatum O.M. Ball Bull. Agric. Mech. Coll. Texas, Series 4, 10(3): 23. 1 May 1939

species valid

Myrica miranda O.M. Ball Bull. Agric. Mech. Coll. Texas, Series 4, 10(3): 21. 1 May 1939

species unavailable

Myrica heterophylla O.M. Ball Bull. Agric. Mech. Coll. Texas, Series 4, 10(3): 19. 1 May 1939

species unavailable

Thuidium antiquum Schimp. in Heer Urwelt Schweiz, (12-13): 497. 7-8 Feb 1865

species unavailable

Calliergon diluvianum (Schimp.) Dixon Foss. Cat., Pars Pl., (13): 75. 1927

species unavailable

Hypnum diluvianum Schimp. Traité Paléont. Vég., 1: 253. 1 Mar 1869

species unavailable

Pogonatum suburnigerum (Goepp., Menge in Goepp.) Dixon Foss. Cat., Pars Pl., (13): 45. 1927

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