Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2025


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Total: 66611

species unavailable

Abies steenstrupiana (Heer) W.L. Friedrich ex Denk, Grímsson, Z. Kvaček Bot. J. Linn. Soc., 149(4): 373. 8 Dec 2005

species unavailable

Acer islandicum W.L. Friedrich, Símonars. Palaeontographica, Abt. B, Paläophytol., 182(4–6): 159. Jun 1982

species valid

Quercus olafsenii Heer Fl. Tert. Helv., 3(7): 319. 9 Dec 1859

species unavailable

Picea microsperma (Heer) W.L. Friedrich Sonderveröff. Geol. Inst. Univ. Köln, 10: 60. 1966

species unavailable

Abies steenstrupiana (Heer) W.L. Friedrich Sonderveröff. Geol. Inst. Univ. Köln, 10: 58. 1966

species valid

Dombeyopsis islandica Heer Fl. Tert. Helv., 3(7): 319. 9 Dec 1859

species valid

Acer askelssonii W.L. Friedrich, Símonars. Palaeontographica, Abt. B, Paläophytol., 155(5–6): 143. Apr 1976

non-fossil species unavailable

Lens esculenta Moench Methodus: 131. 1794.

non-fossil species valid

Lens culinaris Medik. Vorles. Churpfälz. Phys.-Öcon. Ges. 2: 361. 1787.

non-fossil species valid

Ervum lens L. Sp. Pl. 738. 1 May 1753

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