Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 66292

species valid

Callipteris brongniartii (C.E. Weiss) Schmalh. Trudy Geol. Komit., 2(4): 9. 13-20 Oct 1887

species unavailable

Sphenopteris bifida Schmalh. Trudy Geol. Komit., 2(4): 7. 13-20 Oct 1887

species valid

Sphenopteris emarginata Schmalh. Trudy Geol. Komit., 2(4): 6. 13-20 Oct 1887

species valid

Sphenophyllum stoukenbergii Schmalh. Trudy Geol. Komit., 2(4): 5. 13-20 Oct 1887

species valid

Fagus napanensis Fotjan. in Iljinsk. in Takht. Iskop. Tsvetk. Rast. SSSR, 2: 64. 28 Dec 1982

species valid

Urticicarpum oligocenum P.I. Dorof. in Takht. Iskop. Tsvetk. Rast. SSSR, 2: 59. 28 Dec 1982

species valid

Urticicarpum miocenum P.I. Dorof. in Takht. Iskop. Tsvetk. Rast. SSSR, 2: 59. 28 Dec 1982

species valid

Boehmeria pusilla P.I. Dorof. in Takht. Iskop. Tsvetk. Rast. SSSR, 2: 58. 28 Dec 1982

species valid

Strobilifer frumentarius Weigelt Fortschr. Geol. Palaeontol., 6(19): 553. 1928

species valid

Archaeopodocarpus germanicus Weigelt Fortschr. Geol. Palaeontol., 6(19): 485. 1928

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