Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 66123

species valid

Myrtus araxena Palib. Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. 1, Fl. Sist. Vyssh. Rast., (4): 193. 1 Feb 1938

species valid

Paliurinella paffenholzii Palib. Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. 1, Fl. Sist. Vyssh. Rast., (4): 191. 1 Feb 1938

species valid

Betulites obovatus Palib. Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. 1, Fl. Sist. Vyssh. Rast., (4): 184. 1 Feb 1938

species valid

Smilax prae-excelsa Palib. Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. 1, Fl. Sist. Vyssh. Rast., (4): 182. 1 Feb 1938

species unavailable

Swartzia alata (Newb. in Hollick) Shap. Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. 1, Fl. Sist. Vyssh. Rast., 1937, (4): 126. 1 Feb 1938

species unavailable

Dalbergites simplex (Newb.) Shap. Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. 1, Fl. Sist. Vyssh. Rast., 1937, (4): 120. 1 Feb 1938

non-fossil species valid

Woodwardia orientalis

species valid

Sphaerococcites pinnatifidus Unger Gen. Sp. Pl. Foss. 27. 18 Apr 1850

species valid

Albizzioxylon hyrcanicum A.A. Nikitin Trudy Neft. Nauchno-Issl. Inst., B, (51): 53. 21-31 May 1935

species unavailable

Leptostrobus ripheus Prynada Sovetsk. Bot., 1940, (4): 25. 16 Nov 1940

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