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Total: 2111

supragenus valid

Unranked Sphenopterides Goepp. Institut, Prem. Sect., Sci. Math., 4, (156): 141. 4 May 1836

supragenus valid

Unranked Pecopterides Goepp. Institut, Prem. Sect., Sci. Math., 4, (156): 141. 4 May 1836

supragenus valid

Unranked Neuropterides Goepp. Institut, Prem. Sect., Sci. Math., 4, (156): 141. 4 May 1836

supragenus valid

Subfamily Archaeocalamitoideae Ogura in Linsbauer Handb. Pflanzenanat., Abtheilung II, 7(2): 230. 18 May 1938

supragenus valid

Family Archaeocalamitaceae Leistikow Taxon, 8(2): 51. 12 Mar 1959

supragenus valid

Unranked Nilssonieae Miq. Tijdschr. Wis- Natuurk. Wetensch. Eerste Kl. Kon. Ned. Inst. Wetensch., 4(3): 214. Jun - Dec 1851

supragenus unavailable

Family Fucoides Harlan J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 6(March): 289. Mar 1831

supragenus valid

Family Stigmariaceae Goepp. Übers. Arbeiten Veränd. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Cult., 1839 136. 24 May 1840

supragenus valid

Family Stigmariaceae Goepp. Arch. Mineral., 14: 180. 15-21 Nov 1840

supragenus unavailable

Family Juglanditaceae C. Presl in Sternb. Vers. Fl. Vorwelt, [2](7-8): 207. Sep 1838

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