Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 2111

supragenus valid

Infraturma Decorati R. Neves, B. Owens Pollen & Spores, 8(2): 342. 1966

supragenus valid

Subturma Solutitriletes R. Neves, B. Owens Pollen & Spores, 8(2): 342. 1966

supragenus valid

Suprasubturma Cameratitriletes R. Neves, B. Owens Pollen & Spores, 8(2): 342. 1966

supragenus valid

Subfamily Aphlebiocarpoideae Štúr Morph. Syst. Culm- Carbonfarne 19. 1-8 Dec 1883

supragenus valid

Subfamily Hawleoideae Štúr Morph. Syst. Culm- Carbonfarne 105. 1-8 Dec 1883

supragenus valid

Subfamily Sphyropteridoideae Štúr Morph. Syst. Culm- Carbonfarne 22. 1-8 Dec 1883

supragenus valid

Family Corynepteridaceae

supragenus valid

Order Bennettitales Bessey Trans. Amer. Microscop. Soc., 29: 94. Dec 1910

supragenus valid

Family Bennettitaceae Lign. in Seward Nature, 50: 595. 18 Oct 1894

supragenus valid

Family Anthracoporellopsidaceae Vachard 57.

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