Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 2131

non-fossil supragenus valid

Family Thyrsopteridaceae C. Presl Gefässbündel Farrn: 22, 138. 1847.

non-fossil supragenus valid

Order Athyriales Shmakov Turczaninowia 4: 55. 2001.

non-fossil supragenus valid

Family Athyriaceae Alston Taxon 5: 25. 1956.

non-fossil supragenus valid

Family Pottiaceae Hampe Bot. Zeit. 11: 304. 1853.

non-fossil supragenus valid

Order Pottiales Hazsl. Magyar Birodalom Moh-Flórája: 109. 1885.

non-fossil supragenus valid

Family Encalyptaceae Schimp. Coroll. Bryol. Eur. 38. 1856.

non-fossil supragenus valid

Order Encalyptales Dixon in Verdoorn, Man. Bryol. 409. 1932.

non-fossil supragenus valid

Family Ricciaceae Rchb. Bot. Damen: 255. 1828.

non-fossil supragenus valid

Order Ricciales Dumort. Anal. Fam. Pl. 68. 1829

non-fossil supragenus valid

Class Anthocerotopsida M. Howe Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 7: 9. 1899.

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