Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 17675

genus unavailable

Genus Rusangea Lacey, Dijk, Gordon-Gray S. African J. Sci., 70: 154. May 1974

genus unavailable

Genus Rigbya Lacey, Dijk, Gordon-Gray S. African J. Sci., 70: 154. May 1974

genus valid

Genus Buthelezia Lacey, Dijk, Gordon-Gray Ann. Natal Mus., 22(2): 411. 14 Nov 1975

genus valid

Genus Rigbya Lacey, Dijk, Gordon-Gray Ann. Natal Mus., 22(2): 409. 14 Nov 1975

genus valid

Genus Rusangea Lacey, Dijk, Gordon-Gray Ann. Natal Mus., 22(2): 392. 14 Nov 1975

genus unavailable

Genus Mooia Lacey, Dijk, Gordon-Gray Ann. Natal Mus., 22(2): 389. 14 Nov 1975

non-fossil genus valid

Genus Stephania Lour. Fl. Cochinch. 598, 608. Sep 1790.

genus valid

Genus Meantoinea Bippus, Stockey, G.W. Rothwell, Tomescu Amer. J. Bot., 104(4): 585. 20 Apr 2017

genus valid

Genus Eopolytrichum Konopka, Herendeen, G.L. Merr., P.R. Crane Int. J. Pl. Sci., 158(4): 490. Jul 1997

genus valid

Genus Glyptostroboxylon Conw. ex Gothan Anat. Lebend. Foss. Gymnosp.-Hölzer 49, 103. 19 Apr 1905

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