Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 17675

genus valid

Genus Myrceugenelloxylon M. Nishida Rept. Palaeobot. Surv. S. Chile, 1979 32. 1981

genus unavailable

Genus Amomyrtoxylon M. Nishida Rept. Palaeobot. Surv. S. Chile, 1979 32. 1981

genus valid

Genus Gonzalezoxylon M. Nishida Rept. Palaeobot. Surv. S. Chile, 1979 32. 1981

non-fossil genus valid

Genus Lens Mill. Gard. Dict. abr. ed. 4, 1-3: 28 Jan 1754

non-fossil genus valid

Genus Microlepia C. Presl Tent. Pterid. 124. 1836.

genus valid

Genus Petrascula C. Gümbel Sitzungsber. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. München, 3(3): 292. 1873

genus unavailable

Genus Conodyctium Goldfuss in Étallon Mém. Soc. Émul. Dépt. Doubs, Series 3, 3(1858): 530. 1859

non-fossil genus valid

Genus Alisma L. Sp. Pl. 342. 1 May 1753

genus valid

Genus Bohlenia J.A. Wolfe, Wehr Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv., (1597): 19. 13 Nov 1987

non-fossil genus valid

Genus Fremontodendron Coville Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 4: 74. 1893.

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