Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2025


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Total: 462

infragenus valid

Quercus Section Pseudofurcinerves Andr., É. Kovács Egri Múz. évk., 2: 31. 1964

infragenus valid

Fucoides Subgenus Skolithos Haldem. Monogr. Limniades, (1, Supplement): 3. Oct 1840

infragenus valid

Stephanoporites Subgenus Psilastephanoporites Hammen

infragenus unavailable

Eoeuryale Section Tomskiella P.I. Dorof. in Takht. Iskop. Tsvetk. Rast. SSSR ed. 1974, 1: 65. 31 Mar 1975

infragenus unavailable

Peronosporites Unranked Lejothecae Pampal. Atti Reale Accad. Lincei, Rendiconti Sedute Solenni, Series 5, 11, Semestre 2(9): 250. 2 Nov 1902

infragenus unavailable

Peronosporites Unranked Calothecae Pampal. Atti Reale Accad. Lincei, Rendiconti Sedute Solenni, Series 5, 11, Semestre 2(9): 250. 2 Nov 1902

infragenus valid

Sphenopteris Subgenus Dicksoniites (Sterzel) Schimp., Schenk in Zitt. Handb. Palaeont., Abtheilung 2(1): 109. 15 Sep 1879

infragenus valid

Sphenopteris Subgenus Cheilanthites (Goepp.) Schimp., Schenk in Zitt. Handb. Palaeont., Abtheilung 2(1): 109. 15 Sep 1879

infragenus valid

Sphenopteris Subgenus Aneimiites Schimp., Schenk in Zitt. Handb. Palaeont., Abtheilung 2(1): 108. 15 Sep 1879

infragenus valid

Sphenopteris Subgenus Gymnogrammites Schimp., Schenk in Zitt. Handb. Palaeont., Abtheilung 2(1): 108. 15 Sep 1879

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