When originally established in 1828, Taeniopteris vittata was a nomenclaturally superfluous illegitimate name, as it included the type of the previously and validly published monotypic fossil generic name Marantoidea Jaeger, M. arenacea Jaeger (Pfl.-Versteiner.: 28, t. 5, fig. 5. 15–22 Sep 1827), recognizing it as a merely variety of his new species, T. vittata var. major Brongn. (l.c.: 194. 1828), making T. vittata superfluous and illegitimate. Doweld (in TAXON 62 (6) • (2249–2250) Conserve Taeniopteris and T. vittata December 2013: 1348–1349) proposed to conserve T. vittata Brongn. with type: Great Britain, Yorkshire, Scarborough; Jurassic (Mus. Natl. d’Hist. Nat., Paris: No. MNHN.F.522); [illustrated in] Brongniart, Hist. Vég. Foss. 1: t. 82, fig. 2. 28 Nov 1831), typ. cons. prop.