Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 65885

species valid

Araucarites hamatus Trautsch. Klin. Sandstein 37. 1870

species valid

Thuites ecarinatus Trautsch. Klin. Sandstein 35. 1870

species valid

Cycadites acinaciformis Trautsch. Klin. Sandstein 34. 1870

species valid

Glossopteris solitaria Trautsch. Klin. Sandstein 33. 1870

species valid

Pecopteris explanata Trautsch. Klin. Sandstein 32. 1870

species valid

Pecopteris pachycarpa Trautsch. Klin. Sandstein 30. 1870

species valid

Pecopteris decipiens Trautsch. Klin. Sandstein 29. 1870

species valid

Pecopteris nigrescens Trautsch. Klin. Sandstein 28. 1870

species valid

Alethopteris metrica Trautsch. Klin. Sandstein 26. 1870

species valid

Pterophyllum filicinum Goepp. in Keyserl., Murch., Verneuil Géol. Russ. Eur. Mont. Oural, 2(3 [Paléontologie]): 501. 26 Jul 1845

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